Sunday, November 6, 2011

Organization - My Twelve Step Program - Step Two

October has come and gone, we've been working regularly on keeping up with our laundry, our set days and making sure things don't run together, J and D have been doing a great job with using the washer and dryer and I can only hope that one day their wives will be grateful.

Some days though, are harder than others, and sometimes a full day will slip by me before I realize what has happened. C has been a big mommy's boy the last month, and as he's getting a little older, he is becoming more clingy and attached to me. This includes nap times, I'm lucky if C gets in a full hour before waking back up, I love the attention from him, and I love the snuggles, but it has been leaving my house in a mess and some days leaves me feeling over touched and just worn out by the time he goes to bed.

I have my Ergo on order, and hopefully it will be delivered early this week, allowing me to start getting things done again while holding my boy close and making sure that he stays comfortable. I love my ring sling, but with my boy getting heaver and heaver, and the sling sitting on only one shoulder it has been giving me a ton of back pain.

So we will continue to work on step one this next month, while incorporating in step two, daily chores. We have started helper charts for the boys to know when their laundry day is, now I am going to add in one chore a day, per boy, that they can help around the house with.Here is what their schedules look like.

Monday - Scoop cat litter
Tuesday -Empty dishwasher
Wednesday - Empty downstairs trash
Thursday - Wash clothes and sheets and put away
Friday - Rinse and load dirty dishes
Saturday - Clean bedroom, vacuum floor
Sunday - Rest and play

Monday - Empty dishwasher
Tuesday - Empty upstairs trash
Wednesday - Wash clothes and sheets and put away
Thursday -Rinse and load dirty dishes
Friday - Scoop cat litter
Saturday - Clean bedroom, vacuum floor
Sunday - Rest and play

Perhaps this schedule can free up some time for me, so that I can enjoy more time with my family and less time worrying about things that need to be done around the house.

I'm looking forward to this, lets hope it brings some much needed help, organization and peace to our home.

1 comment:

  1. Funny!!! I just put a chore list together for us today ;) I can't do it all anymore lol
